Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"Sweating Like A Pig Actually, and Yourself?"

Props to anyone who knows where that quote is from, first of all. An excellent film.

Some updates I guess. Not too much new is good old Dansville, NY, but a few cool things.

Labor day weekend in the New York State Festival of Balloons and it takes place in Dansville. Tons of hot air balloonists and aficionados travel to this small town to celebrate. This year, the wind was blowing in the right direction during one of the launches and about dinner time Sunday night about 50-60 hot air balloons flew directly over/through my backyard. I've seen balloons from my backyard before but these were so close. It was cool.

Second, I have my second accounting class tonight and I have a test, lame. I'll let you know how it goes. I bought the text book the other day and it was SO expensive. I hate buying books.

Third, just got back from running (explains the blog title). I'm jogging somewhere around 1.5-1.6 miles. It's going ok. My legs are KILLING today. Straight through from the ankle to the ass is pretty sore. But it feels good to do something healthy so I am going to stick with it as best as I can.

Fourth, I had a little interview at a pizza place where I put in an application today...and they gave me a job! It's not my dream job (lol) but it's money coming in and I can't complain about that. The woman who runs it and hired me seems really nice and she gave me about 20 hours over the next 3 days which is good. I'll be making some money and getting out of the house/keeping busy. Yay.

So that's really all that's new I think. Gotta shower, finish hw/study, and get to class :-)


  1. ditto on the congrats. and i recognized the quote but i couldn't remember the movie, so i cheated and looked it up. it is a good movie.

  2. thanks girls! and it's a great movie :) one of my favs
