Thursday, August 27, 2009

In The Middle of the Night...

...I go walking in my sleep. OK, I don't actually sleepwalk, but I am 'searching for something' and it does keep me up at night.


Also, I know I JUST finished my degree requirements when I got home from Russia, but I am already going back to school. Crazy, right? Unfortunately, no, I am not going back to Brockport. I'm done with the live-on-campus, mess around, make pizzas college life. I need a semi-serious, looks OK on a resume kind of job, possibly part time so that I can take one or two classes and look for a CAREER. Anyone whose ever known me and dealt with one of my panick attacks (Jim, Kerri, Jimmy G...) knows that I am semi-psychotic when it comes to the word career. I have never, I mean NEVER known what I wanted to be "when I grow up". Never when I was a child did I have one of those "I want to be a (fire-figher, doctor, lawyer, etc.)" moments. I purposely picked a vague major with no specific direction. Needless to say I still have no idea what I want to do, where I want to work, what kind of job I want. NO IDEA. It's so frusterating to not know what you want to be, what you are working towards. Where is my dream? My mom said to me the other night "No job is beneath you right now; you don't need to hold out for your dream job" and I was just like "How can I hold out for my dream job when I don't know what it is?"

So, I'm 21 years old, I just finished college, and I'm living at my parent's house, taking classes at the local community college and looking for some sort of gas-money job. Awesome. Glad to see I made some progress here. Kicking myself in the butt for wasting all my time at Brockport.


  1. I didst see your time as a waste & you are still so young, your not "wasting" time. Heck, your a whole year ahead of me!

    Focus on what makes you so capable of acquiring different jobs then go from there. Any industry would be blessed to have you
