Tuesday, May 17, 2011


My last post was in March 2010. Whata crazy year since then though. Where even to begin? Let's see. Trip to Florida in April 2010 was fun; got to spend a lot of QT with my sissy-la-la. Summer went by fast. Worked a lot of hours at pizza corner and partied all summer long. Had a great time. Went cliff jumping. Got matching dragonfly tattoos with my mom. Had one of the best birthdays ever in August when I turned 22. Also in August I started dating Shain. A guy I knew from around town who used to come get pizza from me once in a while. We went on our first date to the drive-in in Perry and have been together ever since. He's definitely that ying to my yang. For Labor day we went up to his lake house near Govenuer, NY. In October I was hired by Salliemae and left my job at Pizza Corner which as since shut down. I bought a new car a few weeks ago. Bye bye convertible, hello Jeep Liberty. The jeep's a lot handier especially when you haves new dog! I got a puppy in March when he was just 5 weeks old. My baby is a black lab named Bear and he is spoiled rotten. Speaking of babies, Riley Owen Swink was born July 14, 2010 in wonderful health and is a beautiful baby, growing so quickly! His mommy and daddy are getting married in just a few short weeks on June 11, 2011. His aunt Francesca will be a bridesmaid. I'm still living in Nunda, at Shain's house now. Just moved in a few weeks ago. That's the short version I guess. Right now just getting psyched for the wedding and raising my puppy while Shain spends the summer working on a union job in Albany.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I am glad to see this post! You should start writing in here again! I have been slacking on mine too
